Stropharia aurantiaca 1
Stropharia aurantiaca has recently been renamed to Leratiomyces ceres. It is a red wood-rotting agaric very common on wood-chips and mulch, lawns (but not often in forest), can form dense colonies. Occurs in Europe, North America, Australia and NZ; origin unsure, but probably introduced here horticulturally. Cap to 60 mm, scarlet to red-orange or red-brown, smooth, perhaps sticky; convex or bell-shaped to flat, usually with broad umbo; margin often flecked with beaded whitish remnants of veil. Gills close, pale yellow at first, then greyish-brown, darkening as spores mature; spore print dark purple-brown. Stem slender, whitish with brownish-red fibrils in lower part; perhaps fibrillose ring remnants; stains reddish-orange with maturity. Coarse hairs at base. Merimbula, NSW, 2008.
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