Phlebopus marginatus
Phlebopus marginatus, "Giant Bolete", (Gk: phlobos = vein, pous = foot) probably Australia's largest fungus, is mycorrhizal with eucalypts, growing singly or in groups, any time after rain. Widespread and common. Cap to more than 600 mm, expanding to almost flat, yellowish-brown, with touches of green sometimes; felty to warty with cracks on ageing. Pores deep and moderately coarse, orangey-greenish yellow, brown on ageing; spore print yellowish-brown. Pores do not meet stem, leaving a little space. Stem fat, bulging near base, dingy yellow-brown. Fruiting body often riddled with insect larvae. Found here, NZ, Sri Lanka, Indonesia. Rawson, Gippsland, from football ground, 2003.
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